Review of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale– Revised
As a self-report screening tool for major depressive disorder (MDD), the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale – Revised has long been widely used and administered by either individuals or clinicians within the United States since it was developed in 2004. However, in the past 20 years, only a few research studies have been conducted to examine the psychometric properties of this particular test. In this article, the author strived to provide a systematic and comprehensive introduction and review of the CESD-R, emphasizing its reliability and validity documented or evaluated in the existing research literature. In the meantime, the author also critically illustrated the intrinsic strengths and weaknesses of the CESD-R towards the end of the article, aiming to help individuals or clinicians understand both the benefits and drawbacks of administering the CESD-R to screen for MDD and advocate for more future research studies on the CESD-R.
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