Journal of Nursing

Research Progress in Hospice Care in the NICU

Xuejin Cheng, Lifang Zhang*, Yongfeng Xiao, Rui Cai


There are gaps in the understanding of Neonatal Hospice Care in the NICU of neonatal families in our country, and there are still some things that could improved in its implementation. This article expounds on the epidemiologic status, research background, necessity, and nursing measures of hospice care for children in the NICU, aiming to provide a reference for the research and practice of hospice care for children in clinical NICU.


Neonatal Intensive Care Unit; Neonatal Nursing; Hospice Care; Research Progress

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Copyright (c) 2024 Xuejin Cheng,Lifang Zhang*,Yongfeng Xiao,Rui Cai