Journal of Nursing

Mediating effect of fear of disease progression between disease perception and quality of life in stroke patients with semi-disability

Min Guo, Yanmei Liu*, Xiaoxi Gao, Quanzhen He, Tianzi Du


Objective To understand the influencing factors of quality of life in stroke patients with semi-disability, and to explore the mediating role of fe-ar of disease progression between disease perception and quality of life in stro-ke patients with semi-disability.Methods From
June to August 2024,a total of 255 stroke patients with semi-disability were selected by convenience sampling method in Shaanxi Provincial
Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.General information questionnaire,Fear of Progression Questionnaire-Short Form(FoP-Q-SF),Brief
Illness Perception Questionnaire(BIPQ) and Stroke Specific Quality of Life (SS-QOL) were used for data collection and analysis.Results The
scores of illness perception,fear of disease progression and quality of life in stroke se-mi-disabled patients were (41.15± 3.50),(30.18±5.33)
and (176.11±17.53),respecti-vely.There was a positive correlation between illness perception and fear of di-sease progression(r=0.685,P<
0.01),and a negative correlation between illness p-erception,fear of disease progression and quality of life(r=-0.637,-0.820,both P<0.01).Fear
of disease progression had a partial mediating effect between disease perception and quality of life in stroke patients with semi-disability,and
the m-ediating effect accounted for 77.72% of the total effect.Conclusion Disease pe-rception can not only directly affect the quality of life of
stroke patients with semi-disability, but also indirectly affect their quality of life through fear of d-isease progression.


Stroke; Semi-Disability; Disease Perception; Fear of Disease Progressio-n; Quality of Life

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Copyright (c) 2024 Min Guo,Yanmei Liu*,Xiaoxi Gao,Quanzhen He,Tianzi Du