Journal of Nursing

The Effect of Exercise on Balance Function of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Cuixiao Wang, Lenan Cai, Meina Qiao, Shao Chen, Yueqing Xu


Purpose: The objective of the study is to evaluate the effects of exercise on balance function with people who have Type 2 diabetes. Methods: The subjects in the study were 26 patients with Type 2 diabetes exercise regularly and 27 patients with Type 2 diabetes who do not exercise. The two groups were compared  based on the following: the  fall index (FI), the low frequency of Fourier transformation (F1, F2) under natural standing on solid surface with eyes opened,the frequency of Fourier transformation (F1, F2, F5, F6)under Standing on the soft mat with eyes opened(PO),the high frequency of Fourier transformation (F5, F6) under natural standing on solid surface with eyes closed (NC),the frequency of Fourier transformation (F3, F4)under natural standing on solid surface with eyes closed and head turn to right(HR). Results: The fall index (FI), the frequency of Fourier transformation (F1, F5, F6)under Standing on the soft mat with eyes opened(PO),the high frequency of Fourier transformation(F6) under natural standing on solid surface with eyes closed(NC) were statistically different for the two groups. The other parameters have no significant differences. The balance function of patients who exercise regularly were better than those who don’t exercise.


Exercise; Balance; Type 2 diabetes

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Copyright (c) 2016 Cuixiao Wang, Lenan Cai, Meina Qiao, Shao Chen, Yueqing Xu

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